"Just come out and say it."
"But I don't, know what it is ? Its too big, or too small or just too hard to say."
"Well what's it like?
"It's like the first day at school. Being excited, scared, and lost all at the same time."
The first day of school, an event all readers have had, different but with more sameness than difference.
The first day of preschool is different than the first day of grad school, but it resonates with the emotional center of the brain, Limbic something or other, that connects us all, and that's what a colorful metaphor can do, connect the speaker to the audience.
Even connect the speaker to the inner world of meaningful moments, synchronicity, epiphanies.
Finding how This can be like That energizes the brain to find more connection, more of the rapport speakers are working toward.
Knowing we are all climbing that mountain searching for the treasure of insights, joy, wonder and good questions that only a metaphor can solve.
A good metaphor open doors to rooms we didn't know existed.
A powerful metaphor changes life's.
A metaphor can sound like something we have 'met before', familiar and new all at once.
Speaking metaphorically creates space for the listener imagination to create, to become like the palette upon which Disney's' artist awaken us with Sleeping Beauty.
Make a house fly with Dumbo, and Hippo's dance in Fantasia.
What's a useful metaphor for your life, your love your adventures?