Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Your Life is a Party when you Particpate

          I begin many presentations with, “Life is a party when you participate." 
          This IS not the participation when everybody on the baseball or soccer team gets a trophy, honoring mediocrity.
          It is not wearing the team colors, or raising your hand, it is standing and owning the stage or helping others share their message.
          I recently attended a 50th high school reunion. Perhaps I was a little more invested than most attendees. I needed airline tickets, which turned into a problem because I had to cancel my initial flight and rebook because of the necessity to put a stent in my heart. There's some metaphor here, something like I need more heart to attend, but I invested and showed up. I wanted to see everyone left after 50 years. We lost some to war, some to cancer, some disappeared, and some just didn’t show. Many had odd memories of me, but all of them where aghast when Jackie, the event organizer, asked if anyone had anything to say.
          Well I do! 
          I participate. 
          Was it planned, no, but for 50 years I had prepared for that moment. Here were my ancient peers. Some we went to school together for 12 years. We played sports, dated, fought, laughed and lied, and was ready to speak fearlessly with humor.
          Our class did not have great sports heroes compared to those who came before us, but we have a classmate who is changing the world-Larry Harvey, founder of Burning Man.
Image result for burning man culture points
          Prior to the event I sat with my best buddy and watched Spark, A Burning Man Story.  An amazing movie with an old classmate as the main player with a vision to get masses to participate. 

         PARTICIPATION,  is one of the ten Burning Man principals. 
         When asked if anyone has anything to say, with enthusiasm I grabbed the mic, and began. 
         It was unrehearsed, heartfelt, and funny. I rifted on my classmates, used some of my ‘stand-up' jokes. I focused on the importance of participating in life. In taking a stand to share the value and importance each of us bring to every event. That we all make a difference, and can make a greater difference by speaking fearlessly. We are too old to be scared. 
         As a public speaker and coach, Sieze the Moment!

         Thank you Jackie Vernholm for asking.
         Thank you Mrs May in the 2cd grade teacher to letting me be the interjection in our school play on grammar.
          Thank you mom for confidence.
          Thanks attendees of the Parkrose class on 1966 for listening.
          Life is a party when we participate.

Image result for burning man culture points

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Positive Empowering Imprints.

Speaking Fearlessly means having power.

Power is the capacity to make a difference in the world by how we influence people. 

Power is given to us by other people.

What do YOU do with power?

Will you make a difference in the world?

How did you attain power, and how do you keep it alive?

Begin by  tracing your life lessons to Source your power. Find those times you learned a lesson.

Take care to keep from getting caught in ‘Stinking Thinking”, negative or limiting CHILDHOOD IMPRINTS, or self abasement.

Lessons come from parents, grandparents, peers, school, church, sports, work, music, art,  books-the emphasis on lessons as experiences.

Remember the “aha’s”, “oh shits’”, failures, embarrassments, upsets, anger, fear, loves, boredom, successes.  Write them down, make a list, an outline, use arrows → to connect the this lesson to that lesson.

You can segue chronologically or by a theme or intensity. The lessons lead to virtues. Look for times of courage, humility, service, kindness, connections, patience, perseverance, zeal, wonder, curiosity, unity, trust, enthusiasm, gratitude, responsibility, loyalty, joy, integrity, humor, grace, forgiveness, devotion, diligence, discernment, gumption, creativity, confidence, wisdom, 

Virtue (Latin: virtus, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή "arete") is moral excellence. A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness.

Turn your power  into a story with a happy ending; Be-Cause people like to work with Happy people, and Work is Love made visible!

Be a Life Long Learner!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Honor Thy Father

Happy Fathers Day

This Sunday we honor Fathers, including me, my son, son-in-law, all remarkable men, who have sired a child, and our worthy of Attention.
          Does a Father have a special attention he bestows on his offspring?
          Yes, a mysterious form of Attention.
          While a mother gestates for 9 months, cares and nourishes for much, much  longer, a Father may only be a one night stand or moment of ejaculation.
          Whether your dad was one honored as a father of the year, a sperm donor, an absentee or abuser, being a father is a defining role. It is where our male half garners the archetype of masculinity.
What can and does a father contribute?
There is the safety and security of the nest.  Often he is the breadwinner, slayer of saber tooth tigers, bringer of buffalo burgers, teller of stories of the hunt. He can be a strong ‘can do’ archetype,  and I hope at least once, the apple of mom’s eye.
But biological fathers may only be a momentary dad; it is the man who raises the child that can be truly called a father. It is the outcome, the child that is today’s man of the hour. It is the man whose outcome is the loving, caring child that determines a dad.
            What influences can a father have?
As a dad, the lessons are; support the mom, never make her wrong. Show that work is love made visible. Practice forgiveness.  Always support the child’s choices, with an occasional here is an option. Let the child win. Let them know they can choose, decide, act and be rewarded. Share gratitude for life. Share gratitude for them and be ready for the day when your child says, Dad you’re going to be a GRANDFATHER.
It’s never too late to be a good dad or too late to thank a father.

Dear Dad; Thank you for your good works done as a Father. Though you may not have seen yourself as perfect and ideal,  patient, nurturing, healing, a talker, a fisher of fish and men, you were mindful of the fairer sex,  fixer of the broken,  late night savior, early morning waker, mumbler of the unspoken, solid, calm, any and everything your offspring needs and wants. You carried a message that it’s great to be alive. Thanks, You SHOWED UP & paid the bill. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Presentation without a Demonstration is mere Conversation

           Speaking fearlessly means at time showing, not telling, your magic as a presenter.

Image result for showing not telling

         This means having the force with you, the force to know your subject so well that like magic the audience becomes a replica of the skill.  Not a robot, but a raving fan, sharing your expertise, be it product, service or value. 

Here's the How:
          Know you desired outcome-a sale, a partner, or to change the world.
          Organize using the FIVE-
         1-Grab Attention (See How to Own the Stage)

         2-The Intro-Tell them what you will be showing them. The raw product or service and the the magic outcome.
         3-The Body-Slowly with the grace of a Chef at Benihana, your well-practiced-demo. Have space in the demo for questions and unexpected magic/disasters. (Remember chem lab?)
        4-The Repetition-Another slowly rehearsed rerun of the demo, complete with call backs to the audience-" What's that called?"
       5-The Results-What you can expect from your new understanding of how our product, service or value works to get your desired outcome. 

Make it a show and expect a standing ovation. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Frame your presentation.

Ask the audience for help.
         “Can you help me,” she asked the audience.
         They responded with head nods and a very positive “Yes.”
         “Woo,”she felt a sigh-of-relief, the hard part of her presentation was over because what is harder than asking for help?
         What did she need or want; only that they listen, pay attention and allow her to deserve that attention.
         Speaking fearlessly means to have the realization that we all need help, AND we are scared or embarrassed or “too-oh-so-important” to ask for what we want.
         In the sales world, where we all live, you cannot G-E-T until you A-S-K.
         On stage, in a meeting, or just with those significant others in your life, few of us are mind-readers, but we ALL want to help each other.
         Every network group that meets, when the entrepreneurs stand to tell what they do it begins with “I want to help people….”

         So let the elephant out of the room, be honest. You and I need help. It’s why we are here to give and receive help.   


Thursday, May 19, 2016

What Motivates You-Part 1

How to know what motivates you?

               It is only from self-observation that an evaluation, an honest inventory, can take place to know what motivates.

         It is seeing, sensing and feeling the present moment.

         It is acknowledging what is.

         Judgments and interpretation are to be avoided in self-observation. 
          Labeling, naming, storytelling, excuses, blame, lies, the "spin", hope, wishes, dreaming, speculating, conjurings are not you.

         If  “stinking thinking” has been de-odorize you are moving toward what you want, your values and your noble causes.

        Take a look in the mirror, Who You Are is showing up. 

         With a good clear look, and checking in with others we find that 3 areas create motivation. 

1-Health-which can run the spectrum from pain to affirmative health. 
2-Wealth-From lack, or poverty consciousness to abundance of values.
3-Relationships-Love to fear continuums. Moving toward  or moving away from. 

Which one has the greatest impact?
Notice how one of the three can dominate.
How to blend all three into a 'top-of-mind' motivation.

For me my health, wealth and relationships are a balance of how I share myself with others.



Tuesday, May 10, 2016


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The Three Ways to Motivate
1.)     Nobel Cause-TG motivation is to handle “Seriousitis” in the world. A Noble cause can be your  reason to be (Raison d’etre). It can be called your highest thought which often aligns with all religions. It maybe spirit over beliefs. One of the most popular is to Make a difference in the world. Finding your purpose and answering your calling are noble purpose. And it may be as simple and profound as serving others.
2.)     In the material world the number one motivations is What’s in it for me-WIIFM.To get what you want. Goals. Power, security and sensations. Honest and self fulfilling, this motivation powers world economies,excites small children to scream “I need it”, “Mine” and brats.
3.)    X-factor.  Your personal motive, often the move away from PAIN. It may be what’s behind the noble cause and the WIIFM, a desire to end shyness, to speak out, to lose weight, to be a good/better parent.

         All three of these motivations put together form a very strong THIRD FORCE that manifests goals. Put in combination with S.M.A.R.T.E.R. they form guidelines, bench marks and the perseverance to complete projects for all the YOUR right reasons. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Neutrality:From the Law of Three

           Neutrality is a moment of non-desire, non-resistance; it is the AS IS that IS* of any given moment. 
                                                     Related image                     
           Neutrality is about how to be in the NOW. Moments without expectations, judgments, excuses, blames. It has no preferences except to be in the present and have direct the experience of NOW. It accepts that you are here now.
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         “We can all agree we are here now,” is a good question to bring the internal and external into the present.

         “Tranquility and clarity of perception are made possible by consenting to the world of “as it is” without any intention to change it. That’s fundamentally a spiritual attitude, because it aligns me with a greater whole without separating me from it. I don’t pretend to know better or hope to achieve something better than what the inner forces already at work in the system would do by themselves. 
          "When I see something terrible, that, too, is an aspect of the world, and I consent to it. 
          "When I see something beautiful, I consent to that also. I call this attitude “humility”-consenting to the world “as it is”. Only this consent makes perception possible. Without it, wishes, fears, judgments and our constructs interfere with perception.”  See Bert  Hellinger,Love’s Hidden Symmetry

         Neutrality may be the moment before reaction, before response, decision, resistance, bliss, love, any of the higher thoughts and values. 
                                                 Image result for ancient symbols of neutrality 
        Neutrality also precludes the negative pit of self-indulgent fears, anger, doubt and sorrow (FADS). Neutrality traps our attention in fixation, identification, attachments, issues and what Christians call sins.

        Neutrality is a base of speaking fearlessly. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Self Observation-The Mirror

Self-Observation 101-The Mirror
         The mirror, as a tool  and metaphor of change, because how can you change what you don’t see?
         The mirror is for those who wish to see themselves, their actions, reactions, poses, pauses; their unencumbered actions; without labels, adverbs, adjectives, limits, definitions, or any fence concreting the spontaneity of their creation.
         The mirror a tool to freedom.

          There were many before Narcissus who spied the magical being in the water. Most, upon beholding the image, were aghast at how it cooperated with every movement.         
          The apparition that acted just like the observer, though there were  movements the observer had never seen.
         The moment when the observer recognized the vision as being his or her own, the observer changed.
         A new door opened. Perhaps a part of the brain, reserved for some momentous event, shifted gears and became a curious watcher of the mirror.
         The event, though insightful, may have been a cause of the fall into selfish narcissism, even paranoia, concerned that someone or something was watching.
         For some, it may have initiated a pretense, a show.
         For some, it was an escape from thoughts.
         Others were tickled into embarrassment, filled with curiosity and interest.
         “How does this strange glass work?
         “Who is that in there?”    

         And so the mess-SAGES and QUESTions of the mirror began: 
         What does a child see in the mirror before being indoctrinated into labels and limits, indoctrinations and indulgences while seeing their reflection?
          What do you see if you had no limits or labels? 
         When first we gazed upon our self in the still waters of puddle or pond the question flowed, like water rushing thru the narrows, “Who are you?”
         The answer never came.
         But the question became sealed in the psyche and “make believe” gods kept the mystery alive.
         This reflection, the echo of essence in the water, shone light from a different source.
         A touch sent ripples to distort the image. Stepping back the image grew across the waters. Not knowing whom the image was, an answer came, “I am not you.”
         Find yourself on a calm day, hiking to a hidden pool and look deeply, under the surface, past bubbles, traces of light, water skippers, and see yourself as others see you.
         Self Observation uses mirrors to shine light into dark recesses of eerie unknowns, closed corners, hidden dreams, lost hopes, blind faith, and illuminate for brief moments what is, was and may be, with No Limits, No Labels. No Beliefs.
           To speak fearlessly self observation is a handle on The Unknown. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Law of Three

     Image result for ancient symbols of three     

          It is the Binary Code that keeps humanity in the sleep of the “Matrix”. The Matrix, the sleepless sleep that grants us comfort in a challenging world. In its day the Matrix is how Kings of old kept the serfs in their place.  Trapped in a world where they were not allowed to question authority or use the questioning process to change and move their status and place in society.
         On a Micro and Meta level every phenomena/goal is a meeting of three different forces. Two of the forces are always opposing-positive/negative, male/female, force/resistance, and without a third force they can never manifest a goal/phenomena.
         A third force must enter, become involved, made aware of (manifesting INTENT) or attention is STUCK on one or the other end of the binary continuums.

         By practicing the ‘rule of three in an exercise and becoming aware of the actions of the Law of Three-The Third Force you gain power over the possible outcomes.

          All three of the forces have all three within one another. Active force contain, passive and neutralizing, so you can have an active force that is a passive, neutralizing active force.
         In physics it is the third force that creates movement. In our lives it is a type of spiritual kinetics. In either case, it does indeed become a catalyst for movement. Some have described it as “The eternal war between where you are and where you want to be.”
         The sacred intent (prayer) can also be a third force when done fully with FREE ATTENTION. This is prayer with asking, demanding or begging. It is prayer acknowledging higher forces outside and inside yourself with a desire to connect. We are so busy with our stories, excuses, and habits we have lost contact with our higher nature.
         The Law of Three is one of the keys to INTERNALIZATION-creating surety and ease in presenting yourself. Knowing that your structure is in threes frees your attention to allow creativity, flexibility and connection to the audience. Speaking becomes a more playful game. A paradox appears, the more I structure the more freedom I have. Understanding this lesson in organization opens me to the next step, allowing your body to speak with greater congruence.
         Perhaps only the Golden Rule has a greater influence on happiness, success and transformation than an understanding of the Law of Three. It is a law, a ruler of the physical world with its active, passive and neutralizing forces involved in energy and the science of life. It is our options in decision-making. It is the key to freedom in each moment we make decisions.

         It is the simplest law to grasp. It shows in the great works of this country’s system of checks and balances. It shows itself in our desires, resistance and now ness and neutral presence.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Breaking the Bounds of the Binary Doctrine

       Law of Three
Image result for three overlapping circles in medieval art
          To speak fearlessly it is important to see the Law of Three.    
           As our politics are stuck in a binary code our lives may be in a similar situation. We were taught that there is a right and wrong way to both view and do things. A fool proof (or foolish) methodology of winding our way through life.
         When we realized this black and white world was only a map that offered little to help us on our journey when we became confused or lost, we were consoled with ‘third time is a charm.’ At about that time we began to consider a new possibility, that there were three possibilities, all with only one right answer.
         The benevolent gods dropped clues to the importance of the trinities to assist us in transforming from the Binary Codes traps. First we learned the ABC’s. Then when we played baseball its 3 strikes and you’re out.  Discovering there are 3 outs an inning only served to support our new found three is a charm. 
         We early on divide time in past, present and future.
         We learned the religious trinities, in Christianity the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In Hindu, the Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. In Buddhism it is the Buddha the Dharma and the Sanga, three is the new/evolved/aware two.
         Dale Carnegie, set the stage for speakers with his rendition of the three’s: -1-Tell the audience what you will tell them, 2-tell them, and 3-tell them what you told them.
         However we are taught the Binary world (the Digital trap) where we have only two choices, the extremes of the Continuums. Active-Passive. Force-Resistance, right-wrong, yes-no.  And for many we learned too much no. 
Speaking Fearlessly means seeing more options. Our presentation considst of who I am  -- my beliefs, who my audience is, and my agenda -- my topic. 

        Pay Attention, it's the Law.  Continued in the next blog. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love
Image result for pachelbel canon
I start the Pachelbel Cannon in D and sit to write. Memories of thousands,(I am a seminar junkie), of students sat in hotel rooms in meditation, contemplating unconditional love as the canon played. I see their faces, feel my eyes swelling as the music activates the message, the magic mantra-I Love Myself it echoes in my heart, mind, and body.
It is a lullaby that builds upon itself. A simple 1, 2, 3 as a way into myself and a way out of my pain, my fears, my self-pity. A gentle swing that captures my essence till I become the music and who I am and what I may become,becomes a powerful feeling to share.
            Forgiveness, hope, faith in change and a brave new world are echoed by the canon as I Love Myself repeats itself
            A trainer spoke, “What do you want?
            Unconditional Love.
No earned love, no ‘have to’s’, no fulfilling parental expectation, or
succumbing to societies demands, Unconditional Love.
            The trainer honored the space in which to experience the message with a divine space, a pause, as the canon builds from lullaby to dance, a ballet where partners couple.  
            The trainer speaks, “What do you want others to experience in your presence?
            From deeper in our hearts, from the still small space of conscience, from the essence we transform and realize  “I want you to experience UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for your self.
            The healing of each of us, of the planet re-initiates itself as the gratitude for life, for breath, for choices resonates with the bowing of the cello. We feel the message to appreciate each moment as the cannon plucks away, pay attention to the refrain for Now and Forever.
            The canon is a little over six minutes long and millions have heard the sounds whether in a Gallo wine commercial, from the Oscar winning movie Ordinary People, or the seminar rooms. 
            You and me, brothers and sisters, ponder the compassion of self love, we emote-feel again, and refresh ourselves wiping away tears, breathing anew to love without conditions.
            I am grateful to the gods of technology that make my phone cell play that cello tune anywhere, anytime.  I hear the effortless refrain begin and swing the lullaby as love builds becoming the power to share, here and now.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ignited by a tune, kept alive by your attention.
Speakers, use the music.

Friday, April 8, 2016

With Little or No Doubt, I say Yes.

“With little or no doubt I said yes.”
Willingness, is the ability and attitude, to work toward having, grooming, acknowledging, enjoying, and appreciating will itself. 
          Willingness is a pathway to enthusiasm, excitement. It makes life a party, as in to participate.
          To play is a willful act.
          All I am is my Will.
          I use my Will to choose, the vehicle from which I decide.
          It was an epiphany when I realized that Willingness is the opposite of resistance.
          Does choosing to “show up” build Will Power? Yes!
          To show up in life is a major act of Willingness. It requires putting away being right, ones fears, not being attached or identified with outcome.
          Will is risking, choosing to have fun, to be creator of your own world, be responsible, accountable, even Setting A Good Example by the grace with which Will manifests.

         Where did I get all my Willingness?
          My favorite teachers were always Willing to go along with my enthusiasm, and my excitement to the learning game.
          My coaches loved my Willingness to try “it” another way.
          My spiritual teachers were all major players in resisting not evil. They said fully experience here and now by being Willing, you didn’t have to believe what they said, just be Willing to listen
          Where would we be without our Will?
          The human spirit best judged by our Willingness to be the other virtues, Compassion, Grace, Patience, Trust, Honesty, and Forgiveness?            

         Willingness is not who I am, it is how I chose to be, by saying Yes, I can, with little or no doubt.   

Monday, April 4, 2016

Moving from the information Age to the Conceptual Age

Creating Flow-Entering the Zone-Engaging Left Directed + Right Directed Minds- Creating Happy for No Reason-Balancing our Three BrainsImage result for three brains

Here are the guidelines for the new skills and senses to move into the conceptual age. These are stretches and need to be incorporated into your life.
·      Humor-Is the cure for Seriousitis™. Using the Yes, And concepts of Improv to accept the offers life gives and laugh. Humor is one answer to health care, medical costs, and (duh) happiness. “Whatever arises, love it.’
·      Story-You can’t argue with a story. Stories are compelling narratives that engage change. They are from our Great Oral traditions, fairy tales, fables, sagas, epics, from the Odyssey to The Matrix. To boldly go where no one has gone before and return the hero to tell the tales.  Pay it Forward, tell, but don’t tell them it all.
·      Empathy-Learning compassion. Learning to place your attention out on others without judging or sympathy with a detached feeling of caring for everyone. Appreciating diversity. No one cares how much you know till they know how much you care. Being able to walk a mile, or across the room in their moccasin.
·      Symphony –Instead of a mile deep and an inch wide, knowing, sensing and feeling the interconnectedness of all things. Making the quantum leap of combinations that brings forth the big picture. Connecting the dots and seeing the patterns that ancient wisdom show in Tarot cards, I Ching and Runes. Using metaphors, understanding brainstorms and vision boards.
·      Play-If it’s not fun why do it? The opposite of play is depression. The baby boomers got spoiled, spoiled their kids and learned to learn from games. The onset of Video Games as teaching devices, comedy clubs, laughing yoga, sports as mediation. For the millenniums play is purpose!
·      Meaning-The meaning of life is the meaning we give it! The WHY! Finding purpose and sharing. The only reason to give a speech is to change the world. The Dali Lama winning the Nobel Peace prize and writing The Purpose of Life is Happiness. The correct understanding of Thomas Jefferson’s phrase the  Pursuit of Happiness is to PRACTICE Happiness.
·      Design-Understanding the box, the circle and triangle. The use of symbols like the Ennegram. Branding ourselves in whimsy, or Deco, Rocco, or Bauhaus. A personal renaissance as a change designer. Creating and consuming experiences not things.
·      Balance-Moderation and flow of all the senses, choices, chances and changes. Using the fulcrum point in life’s continuums to make choices. Seeing the future with and without tech. Being a verb not just a noun.

These are the concepts and values which are changing the world.                                                       
        8 skills when refined equates to CULTURE.
        An environment in which we grow-Like a Pearl

Acknowledgments to the works of many and lately Dan Pink, Mikaly Csikzentmihalyi,  Marci Shimoff, Steven Pressfield, Fritjof Capra, Marvin Oka and you & me.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016



            It’s rampant in our society. We live in a colorful, noisy and often fragrant world that captures our attention. It is a planned attack on our senses. We have new diseases and medical professions to deal with the outbreak of distractions in the form of attention deficits. It seems somehow related to the outbreaks of autism, video games, multi-tasking and the growing need for pointless, tasteless information. The word Google itself boggles and distracts, while it represents an incredible source of value, especially money. The massive amount of trivia and spin doctors has cyberspace, book stores, educational outlets, waiting rooms, and my bookshelves filled with distractions. I myself am guilty of using clichéd, esoteric, urbane humor to distract.
            Distraction is addictive. It may be first cousin to procrastination (the disease of tomorrow), excuses (the only person who cares about excuses is the excuse-maker) and ‘whatever’ (the insidious disbelief in communicating what the “as is” is).
            I remember the movie The Point in the 1970’s. It is “an animated story of an unusual kingdom in which everything and everybody is pointed -- except for a young boy named Oblio. Despite his round head, Oblio has many friends. But an evil Count, jealous that Oblio is more popular than his own son, says that without a pointed head, Oblio is an outlaw. Along with his faithful dog Arrow, Oblio is exiled to the Pointless Forest. There, he has many fantastic experiences (including encounters with a three-headed man, giant bees, a tree in the leaf-selling business, and a good-humored old rock). From his adventures, Oblio learns that it is not at all necessary to be pointed to have a point in life.” (From IMDB.com)
         I am from that age that made outlaws heroes. It was an age and a movie that sensed that not everything needs a point. Yet in the forty years since the release of the movie, society has found points to such pointless activities as fun, stress freedom, meditating, random acts of kindness, often easing the constraints of the incantations of WIIFM (what’s in it for me). As often happens with wisdom, it gets subverted into its opposite. Or maybe the opposite exists and The Point just allowed distractions to grow, be acceptable and profitable then and run rampant.
         My point is: paying attention is our best investment, for only I can decide if there is a point or a distraction or a situation for paying attention.
         The challenge I love is to share  the lessons of paying attention.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

A Good Friday 
          Speaking fearlessly is about questioning controversial topics.
         I wonder what’s good about a day the hero of the Christian world gets nailed to a cross.
         Our language keeps evolving verbs into strange multiple meanings. ‘Nailed’ can be slang for sex, being drunk, or clinching a sales presentation.
         With sex and religion in the same paragraph my attention is fully engaged. Roll away the stone, it’s Good Friday, so some pontification upon the state of Christianity may clear my slate on Jesus.
         Jesus first wandered into my consciousness when I found a little red Bible at age three. I showed it to Mom and she told me about God, Adam and Eve and their two sons, the first and only people. Then Mom asked “where did the girls who married the boys come from?” This question has fueled my evolution for six decades.
         The first hymn I learned in Baptist Bible School at age 6 was “♪Onward Christian soldiers marching onto war.” I wondered then and still do what Christians are doing marching to war when the message was Love?
         When John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus, he was right in my world. When The Beatles sang “♪All you need is Love” there was no battle. 
         Jesus was the first long hair I ever saw. I had some confusion with Jesus and Santa Claus. They arrived to celebrate the same day; both had a naughty and nice thing going on. Both could do magic with presents. One had disciples, the other reindeer and elves. New information says they both were married to very supportive wives who worked with their husbands. I think it’s a tossup economically with Jesus and the Catholic Church having a head start monetarily, but Santa and Christmas presents now has the marketing momentum.
         When I learned meta programs, how to frame information and beliefs, I framed Jesus as metaphorical role model of present time, highest thought, divine connection, a creator of miracles with the faith to move mountains. He endured conscious suffering. He knew where and how to use his attention. He was a role model whose outcome, getting nailed was an odd ending for a great guy.
         What’s the lesson?
         Maybe it is about questioning legends?
         It is always about what we believe.
         Perhaps we are all metaphorically nailed into a dark cave of our own winter creations and as spring begins we need three days for resurrection and celebration.

         It all depends on how you frame it.
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