How to know what motivates you?
It is only from self-observation that an evaluation, an honest inventory, can take place to know what motivates.
It is only from self-observation that an evaluation, an honest inventory, can take place to know what motivates.
It is seeing, sensing and feeling the present moment.
It is acknowledging what is.
Judgments and interpretation are to be
avoided in self-observation.
Labeling, naming, storytelling, excuses, blame, lies, the "spin", hope, wishes, dreaming, speculating, conjurings are not you.
Labeling, naming, storytelling, excuses, blame, lies, the "spin", hope, wishes, dreaming, speculating, conjurings are not you.
If “stinking thinking” has been de-odorize you are moving toward what you want, your values and your noble causes.
Take a look in the mirror, Who You Are is showing up.
With a good clear look, and checking in with others we find that 3 areas create motivation.
1-Health-which can run the spectrum from pain to affirmative health.
2-Wealth-From lack, or poverty consciousness to abundance of values.
3-Relationships-Love to fear continuums. Moving toward or moving away from.
Which one has the greatest impact?
Notice how one of the three can dominate.
How to blend all three into a 'top-of-mind' motivation.
For me my health, wealth and relationships are a balance of how I share myself with others.
Take a look in the mirror, Who You Are is showing up.
With a good clear look, and checking in with others we find that 3 areas create motivation.
1-Health-which can run the spectrum from pain to affirmative health.
2-Wealth-From lack, or poverty consciousness to abundance of values.
3-Relationships-Love to fear continuums. Moving toward or moving away from.
Which one has the greatest impact?
Notice how one of the three can dominate.
How to blend all three into a 'top-of-mind' motivation.
For me my health, wealth and relationships are a balance of how I share myself with others.