Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hands Free

There was Cool Hand Luke, Slow Hands Eric Clapton, the Pointer Sisters were looking for a man with Slow Hand, in Public Speaking one of the biggest challenges is what to do with the hands.

Pockets are unacceptable. Rattles keys & change &....

The behind the back grip works in ice skatting but not as a speaker.

Hands clinched in prayer (the usual prayer is "I wish this was over") doens't work outside of church.

Clinched fists may scare the audience.

Constant gesturing wears out an audience.

Hanging loose, relaxed at the side with your attention out on the audience is a sign of a professional speaker.

Try this exercise:
Stand in front of a full length mirror, set a timer for one minute (almost an eternity for the hand holders & wringers) and relax. Breathe into your hands, your feet and your diaphram. Take a break, shake hands, make a fist, say a prayer and then up the time to 2 minutes. Besides training your hands, it also is training in being comfortable while being uncomfortable.

For help with this exercise and other tools & training on Public Speaking call 510-722-3212 Gary C Smith Public Speaking & Trainings.

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