Thursday, January 10, 2013

Let’s play the Segue Game

         It’s like playing ‘Telephone game-start a message and see how it changes, combined with some Improv using the ‘Yes, and concept.
         Pick a topic-(How to build business?) Give audience cards that are Segues like:
1.   Speaking of
2.   Pondering the question
3.   That reminds me of
4.   I like
5.   As I hear myself
6.   An opposing view
7.   Another way to look at this
8.   Now that we are on the same page
9.   Here is what fits next
         The above are all third tier segues.
         Tier 1-Fillers-uh, er, um, like you know (the answer to such inanity is “If I know why are you telling me again?”)
         Tier 2-So, Ok, Now
         A professional does not rely or use tier 1 or 2, most of the time.
         Game begins with the host or emcee passing out the cards with 3rd tier segues. Then makes the topic state- “How to build a business,” and calls on a member of the audience to use their card.
         “Speaking of building a business a great model is Apple.
         The next participant uses “Pondering the question” looking toward Apple we see major success.
         “That reminds me of the basic rule of business; provide the customer what they want.
         “I like the phrase the customer is always right, which means I need to know what is right for my customer.
         “As I hear myself say that I am brought tone of the core values many people have, the Golden Rule and knowing what is right for you is golden.
         “An opposing view may say that is selfish, however being selfish means having an opinion, maybe even taking action.
         “Another way of looking at this, is we care about our customer “and now we are on the same page. The page where the customer is always right. (Bonus points for this player for using two segues.)
         ‘“Here’s what fits next, organize your business team or buddies to get into the specifics of building a business.
         Segues can start a conversation and elegantly lead to the next concept to support an idea or bring forth the next concept.

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