Sunday, January 18, 2015


         Sometimes our challenges talk to or for us. As a child, till about the fourth grade, I had a lisp-more a lith. Problems pronouncing the ‘ths’, they became wifs. The threes were free. I was teased, ‘get wif it.’
         I worked at my pronunciation as a reaction to the teasing. I didn’t then and still don’t like being wrong.  I had a Dad as a teaser at home. School was my sanctuary, one reason I keep enrolling in the University of Gary to keep from being teased.
As I add those memories  of ‘’ths, & threes’ to teachings from Gurdjieff, quantum physic’s, Toastmasters ‘Rule of Three, and life experience the lessons of three magnifies. Even read recently in  the San Francisco Chronicle Sports page headlined          3 is the Magic Number.”
         From the point of view of  free attention, the lack of being attached to being right, being identified as a noun-your job, your relationship, your age, sex, any and all labeling other than being a verb, your attention becomes fixed. It is our ego’s that fix our attention with the three ego traps:
         1-I have to be right
         2-I can’t make a mistake
         3-I already know that
         Those three are ways to stop learning. Ways to lose our free attention
(freedom),  and believe that something, other than our self is in charge of our success and happiness.
         So I encourage to look at a new, different and meaningful way to create and maintain freedom ‘wif’ a unique spelling-3Dom.
         This is 3D that really makes an impact without the silly glasses, it’s a new and freeing way to look at life.

         3 Dom to see we always have choices. That the world is not an either or situation. Yes and no are not the only answers. It is not this or that, but something else.

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