Friday, April 15, 2016

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love
Image result for pachelbel canon
I start the Pachelbel Cannon in D and sit to write. Memories of thousands,(I am a seminar junkie), of students sat in hotel rooms in meditation, contemplating unconditional love as the canon played. I see their faces, feel my eyes swelling as the music activates the message, the magic mantra-I Love Myself it echoes in my heart, mind, and body.
It is a lullaby that builds upon itself. A simple 1, 2, 3 as a way into myself and a way out of my pain, my fears, my self-pity. A gentle swing that captures my essence till I become the music and who I am and what I may become,becomes a powerful feeling to share.
            Forgiveness, hope, faith in change and a brave new world are echoed by the canon as I Love Myself repeats itself
            A trainer spoke, “What do you want?
            Unconditional Love.
No earned love, no ‘have to’s’, no fulfilling parental expectation, or
succumbing to societies demands, Unconditional Love.
            The trainer honored the space in which to experience the message with a divine space, a pause, as the canon builds from lullaby to dance, a ballet where partners couple.  
            The trainer speaks, “What do you want others to experience in your presence?
            From deeper in our hearts, from the still small space of conscience, from the essence we transform and realize  “I want you to experience UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for your self.
            The healing of each of us, of the planet re-initiates itself as the gratitude for life, for breath, for choices resonates with the bowing of the cello. We feel the message to appreciate each moment as the cannon plucks away, pay attention to the refrain for Now and Forever.
            The canon is a little over six minutes long and millions have heard the sounds whether in a Gallo wine commercial, from the Oscar winning movie Ordinary People, or the seminar rooms. 
            You and me, brothers and sisters, ponder the compassion of self love, we emote-feel again, and refresh ourselves wiping away tears, breathing anew to love without conditions.
            I am grateful to the gods of technology that make my phone cell play that cello tune anywhere, anytime.  I hear the effortless refrain begin and swing the lullaby as love builds becoming the power to share, here and now.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ignited by a tune, kept alive by your attention.
Speakers, use the music.

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