Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Your Life is a Party when you Particpate

          I begin many presentations with, “Life is a party when you participate." 
          This IS not the participation when everybody on the baseball or soccer team gets a trophy, honoring mediocrity.
          It is not wearing the team colors, or raising your hand, it is standing and owning the stage or helping others share their message.
          I recently attended a 50th high school reunion. Perhaps I was a little more invested than most attendees. I needed airline tickets, which turned into a problem because I had to cancel my initial flight and rebook because of the necessity to put a stent in my heart. There's some metaphor here, something like I need more heart to attend, but I invested and showed up. I wanted to see everyone left after 50 years. We lost some to war, some to cancer, some disappeared, and some just didn’t show. Many had odd memories of me, but all of them where aghast when Jackie, the event organizer, asked if anyone had anything to say.
          Well I do! 
          I participate. 
          Was it planned, no, but for 50 years I had prepared for that moment. Here were my ancient peers. Some we went to school together for 12 years. We played sports, dated, fought, laughed and lied, and was ready to speak fearlessly with humor.
          Our class did not have great sports heroes compared to those who came before us, but we have a classmate who is changing the world-Larry Harvey, founder of Burning Man.
Image result for burning man culture points
          Prior to the event I sat with my best buddy and watched Spark, A Burning Man Story.  An amazing movie with an old classmate as the main player with a vision to get masses to participate. 

         PARTICIPATION,  is one of the ten Burning Man principals. 
         When asked if anyone has anything to say, with enthusiasm I grabbed the mic, and began. 
         It was unrehearsed, heartfelt, and funny. I rifted on my classmates, used some of my ‘stand-up' jokes. I focused on the importance of participating in life. In taking a stand to share the value and importance each of us bring to every event. That we all make a difference, and can make a greater difference by speaking fearlessly. We are too old to be scared. 
         As a public speaker and coach, Sieze the Moment!

         Thank you Jackie Vernholm for asking.
         Thank you Mrs May in the 2cd grade teacher to letting me be the interjection in our school play on grammar.
          Thank you mom for confidence.
          Thanks attendees of the Parkrose class on 1966 for listening.
          Life is a party when we participate.

Image result for burning man culture points

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