Overcoming the fear of Public Speaking is a sensitive issue.
Sensitive because our EGO is involved.
I can't make a mistake.
It was our egos that created the sensitivity and fear.
Our four year old grandson Trent has aquired Grandpa Gary's verbosity.
The censors have not arrived & his speech is free flowing, fearless, & with excitement. He has seen, heard and felt life and wishes to share it.
He is in the 'actually' stage. "Actually Grandpa, it is Speed racer and not Kyle Busch."
It's a wonderful version of 'correction without invalidation.'
He just wants to get the facts straight, I have to be right."
He practices a lot.
It's all new, & no one has told him, & it will never come from me, that he is wrong.
It's all good stuff.
But with those who have had the other kind of experiences, the I am 'stupid & wrong.'
"They laughed at me",
"I forgot what I was going to say",
"I feel stupid",
"I can't do this,"
the sensitivity-embarassment, ridicule, taunting, kidding, teasing takes its toll.
It may not be the phsycial pain and scars of a bike crash, those heal.
We forget, put on a helmet and get back in the saddle.
Where is the helment for the scars are EGO's create?
How can we get back back in the saddle, after embarrassment, and the fear returns?
Practice again.
Practice some more.
Just cause you got over the fear once, it can come back and the only answer is practice putting your attention out.
When your inner turmoil becomes to large to handle, put your attention on practice, on something outside of yourself.
Accept, initiate or reinitiate the beginners mind.
The fear lives in only one place, inside you.
Oh yea, I already know that.
You don't have to be right, be a lefty for a change.
You can make a mistake, you are human.
And you do know all of this, so share it with others.
Telling a joke to the clerk at the store, gets you back in the saddle.
You have value-share yourself.
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