“Mommy mommy look at me.”
It begins at an early age.
It’s the stage after we begin to learn & want to share a new skill & get others attention.
The theme is shameless self-promotion.
A mixed and convoluted way to spread the word, the promoter, the promotion and often much much more.
This is not a rant on why not too self-promote, but how to do it ethically.
How to with no shame and ask for what one wants from the purity of our intentions.
For we have nothing for which to be a-SHAMED.
Shameless self-promotion happens all our life.
We may have joined Toastmasters to get good at it.
If you really get good at it you’re a star.
Madonna got so good at it that re-invention as a different kind of star became a mainstream rage.
It begins at an early age.
It’s the stage after we begin to learn & want to share a new skill & get others attention.
The theme is shameless self-promotion.
A mixed and convoluted way to spread the word, the promoter, the promotion and often much much more.
This is not a rant on why not too self-promote, but how to do it ethically.
How to with no shame and ask for what one wants from the purity of our intentions.
For we have nothing for which to be a-SHAMED.
Shameless self-promotion happens all our life.
We may have joined Toastmasters to get good at it.
If you really get good at it you’re a star.
Madonna got so good at it that re-invention as a different kind of star became a mainstream rage.

Look at Oprah

Look at our President Obama
You can’t be a popular politician without Shameless self-promotion.
Daytime TV is made up of shameless self-promotion.
The dictionary offers insightful looks at the terms.
1. a. A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. b. Capacity for such a feeling: Have you no shame?
2. One that brings dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation.
3. A condition of disgrace or dishonor; ignominy. See synonyms at disgrace.
4. A great disappointment.
1. The act of promoting or the fact of being promoted.
2. Advancement in rank or responsibility.
3. Encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something; furtherance.
4. Advertising; publicity.
This is a term, like manipulative, that has got bad press.
Manipulate means to artfully and skillful do something.
If someone is manipulative they are considered improperly using someone and are BAD.
It is not the words it is the implications in the mind of the listener.
Shameless self-promotion means to bring no disgrace, no dishonor, no disappointment, or the pain of guilt to an endeavor.
Self-promotion is about an advancement of responsibility.
The encouragements of progress.
It is A furtherance of a person place or thing.
Shameless self-Promotion is an honorable project.
Rid yourself of any feelings of guilt.
Harbor no shame.
Advance the Ranks.
1. a. A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. b. Capacity for such a feeling: Have you no shame?
2. One that brings dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation.
3. A condition of disgrace or dishonor; ignominy. See synonyms at disgrace.
4. A great disappointment.
1. The act of promoting or the fact of being promoted.
2. Advancement in rank or responsibility.
3. Encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something; furtherance.
4. Advertising; publicity.
This is a term, like manipulative, that has got bad press.
Manipulate means to artfully and skillful do something.
If someone is manipulative they are considered improperly using someone and are BAD.
It is not the words it is the implications in the mind of the listener.
Shameless self-promotion means to bring no disgrace, no dishonor, no disappointment, or the pain of guilt to an endeavor.
Self-promotion is about an advancement of responsibility.
The encouragements of progress.
It is A furtherance of a person place or thing.
Shameless self-Promotion is an honorable project.
Rid yourself of any feelings of guilt.
Harbor no shame.
Advance the Ranks.
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