Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A challenge to all Public Speakers-Seriousitis™

Gary C. Smith
Expert on Public Speaking
Let us look at the condition of life I call Seriousitis™. We all know the symptoms-hopelessness, depression, repression of joy, hope, and enthusiasm for life. Seriousitis™ creates limits, dogma, exclusion, stress, physical and mental and emotional pain. Caused by the belief that someone, other than you created the dis-ease, and creates happiness.
         As adults we have a compulsion to explain the way things are. Our explanations become reasons, excuses and blame. It is Seriousitis and it is addictive.
         Take away my joys but do not take away my pain and problems.
         “Original Sin is an enormously convenient explanation for the fact that
(ones) life doesn’t work….Just because we were born in suffering does not mean we were born to suffer.” Thanks to Stewart Emery Actualizations
         How do I know who I am without my pain?
         Who can I blame?
         The biggies in the who to blame department are parents, then God and in third place our selves.
         What we are blaming them for is NO FUN, our lack of happiness, fulfillment and successes.
         Uncertain about the epidemic of Seriousitis look at the NEWS, ask someone how they are doing? After a lying “Fine,” if the conversation continues, here comes the excuses, blame, the when I, if only’s, the back pain, boss pain, spouse pain and general garden variety Life as a sentence not a song.
         If you need more information on Seriousitis and its in-same-ity attend a righteous god fearing church, a support group or seek therapy to indulge and pay to share your pain.
          We are all product of random, insane conditioning. For as far back as any us can recall. They did the best they could with the programming they got. We are getting better all the time, or are we?
         Our successes as public speaker depend on how we feel about ourselves by ending the blame and excuses. Cure your Seriousitis™ and make your presence FUN.


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