Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ways to find your purpose

Let’s begin by exploring the areas that matters most to you.
         Find the areas you want to be spending the most time. It could be career, health, family, spirit or any other area of life. Separate the areas, starting with what you value most to what you value the least.
         Use mind mapping*or a simple list.
         Group your current activities under each heading.
         Under work I group or list, meetings, presentations, phone calls,
research, readings, record keeping, original thought, direct experience, blogs.
         Under Health I group or list aerobics, dance classes, weight lifting, walking, morning and evening health drinks, check-ups, Kangan water, supplements.
         Stay current in each area each week.
         Look into your future, your desired goals or wished for ideal activities you wish to add.  List or mind map*.
         Compare your lists.
              Are the lists the same or different? If they are different, how, what, when, where can your desired activities closer to the areas you value most in your life?
           Aha! You've begun a wonderful journey. You have placed more value upon your life and generated positive momentum. Keep at it and your purpose will appear.

         *E-mail for A quick and easy way to Mind Map.

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