Friday, March 18, 2016

Going Meta

Going Meta
            Not Mecca, or any location, but positioning yourself above your situation. Seeing a bigger picture, a new point of view using your own GPS (Great Paths to Success) to go beyond, separating from the situation and getting the sense to how it all fits together.
         Being Meta is a vision, a frozen moment in time, similar to those who have had out of body experiences. You see you doing you.
         “Wow, that’s me playing me.”   
         Being Meta means you can see the vision without judgment. Your role may be as an extra or as the star. It lasts as long as your attention can hold the space of NOW.
         Going Meta offers the benefit of detaching before reacting, or should reaction already occur seeing the outcome of reacting without judgment, excuses or blame, and see what happens with judgment, excuses and blame.
         How to get Meta?
         By being curious and finding the ‘that’s interesting’ space in you. Feeding your curiosity muscle and punching a ride on as many ways of seeing you as your attention can hold. 
         I go Meta not to miss the feel of it all, but to get a bigger view than my mind. I could be looking to see if I am clinging to the same old same, (SOS) and help break a ‘going nowhere loop’. Or is this loop one I want to use to see more specifics of this moment?
         What purpose does this action serve?
         Is this vision aligned with my higher purpose?
         Where is my attention?
         I love being Meta, judgment free, present with the mystery of the moment and evolving into being in the quiet, ease and grace of appreciation.
         Being Meta I am beginning to look and recognize certain energies, called by Quantum Physics as attractors.’
         This is a revelation brewing for decades that life does not go in a limited sequential manner. 1,2,3,4, may actually go 1,4,2,8,5,7  even with the pattern of numbers happening simultaneously.
         The concept of time and cause and effect are limits created in that moment as an answer, when multiple forces are at work. 
         I am interested in finding attractors, and becoming an attractor. I have some clues.  Attractors are not static. They appear to be verbs, with power to create and empower change. They reflect or create values and lofty principles. I find they act like muses, the kind Elizabeth Gilbert talks about in Eat, Pray, Love. Here is her link at Ted Talk
         Attractors speak with words and phrase like ‘you can’, ‘you may,’ ‘yes and’. These are statements and words that create choices and attract other attractors with synergy.
         Quantum Physicist is discovering attractors and how they influence life. Ancient wisdom and Fairy tales have been aware of the invisible but obvious influences of the magic of attractors. These energies have been called Angels, Sages, Avatars, and many more names. They were visited by mystics who have shared their experiences of the wisdom of ages and bringing passion, compassion, truth, courage, understanding and forgiveness. When we manifest those values we tap into and become attractors with each contact building our presence and value.
         Pay attention, attractors are all around us, use them. Become one.  

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