Friday, March 4, 2016

March Forth and Show Up.
          This is a special day when the Julian calendar sends a message. This message was originally written on March Forth 2004, an election day with banners being displayed that encouraged us to “Stand Up and Be Counted.” That day PBS played a musical tribute to songwriters of the 20th century and I loved the big band music singing
♪‘Ya gotta accent the positive,
latch on to the affirmative.
Don’t mess with Mr. In-between.”♪
         Sung by Bette Midler & Bing Crosby
         I funnel these communications through the idea “The meaning of life is the meaning you give life.” As a speaker  March Forth and Show up with presence that has meaning.
         Show up where?
         March Forth where?
         Take a day with a built-in message, and turn up the volume to show up with more kindness, more presence, more fun, more compassion, more creativity.
         Today I am handling some incompletes.  I am checking my own messages and securing that I am in clarity with what I am doing and Marching Forth with a clear message, my banner “Paying Attention is My Best Investment.”
         Well it’s March.
         March is our first verb month. May is the next verb month.
         Today is March forth, an admonition from the ages to step forward & make your self known.  Deliberately March forth and see what happens.         Carry your banner
         March forth with a plan to be felt and feel what happens.
         March forth being present, and see what else shows up.
         March is magical with the equinox, the Ides and a full 31 days to March.
         What’s March mean to you?  Time to come out of hibernation.

         It’s time to Spring soon.

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