Gumption. Get up & Go
Here is a
great word to use in presentations. A word that does, like Captain Kirk is
often quoted, “…boldly go where no one
has gone before.”
1.Boldness of enterprise;
initiative or aggressiveness.
2.Guts; spunk.
3.Common sense.
What a
story this word creates. It has a place in the Word Hall of Fame. The mix of
initiative, risk and common sense is a recipe for a hero.
This word is a noun, a person, place or
thing, but it feels more like a verb, an action, a way of
Watch for power
words. Words to take on a quest. Words to inspire an audience. Words to save me
on a rainy day when the S.A.D.S.* drizzle forth ‘stinkin-thinkin’.
got it?
does it come from?
How did
they get it?
How can I
get some?
It comes
from the same store that serve other Hall of Fame Words, like Attention,
Belief, Conscious, Discipline, Effort, Feedback, down the G aisle along with
Grace and Gratitude. A place where words are tools to build the skill and karma
accounts. Words that transform into action.
All our
heroes Got Gumption.
Speaking requires Gumption. Parenting needs Gumption, the whole concept of
birthing, caring, teaching, and the patience of parents require Gumption.
We build
Gumption from taking risks. Risks are
very individual. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, business all have
different, individual kinds of risks. One person risks a six-figure income to
start his or her own business. Another takes a risk and leaves their comfort
zone to teach others to take risks. Some risk their ‘likeability’ by knocking
on a door, making cold calls, risking rejection. Some have risked physical
safety by walking on fire, parachuting for fun and thrills, taking on physical
challenges to manifest Gumption
changes are risky business, and appreciating changes builds Gumption.
*S.A.D.S. Seasonally Afflected Disorders