Monday, February 15, 2016

Lost passion?

What to do when you lose your passion?
         Like when love walks out the door. When hope jumps ship.  Or your dreams, that floated above carrying you like balloons, your feet barely touching the ground, fizzled flying aimlessly landing deflated in a corner smelling of wet rubber. Your passion is gone. 
What can you do?       
You can try & remember where you last had it? Did you leave it in the bedroom? But maybe we’re not looking for that kind of passion, not the infatuation, the ardor, the fervor but the passion of wonder at each moment of life. 
The passion that kick starts my morning. The passion that gets me to workout. 
The passion that excites my day, my work, my friendships, that fuels interest & puts me into the compassionate quest for awareness, for enthusiasm, & for pure joy.  
Without delving into the ‘stinking’ thinkin’ or the ‘pity-pots’ or the introspection of ‘poor me’ lets find some magic potions, some panaceas for the lost passion blahs.
Start with a mirror, cause how can you get very far if you don’t know who you are?  Take a good long look & see if you are who you think you are. 
Put your attention out there, on your image, on something besides your mind-set, because lost passion means your mind is fixed on something. The passion won’t return while focusing on it, you need to focus on someone or something else. Take your attention from inside, to outside. Be a friend, listen, observe, get interested in someone else & begin to care. Focus on another person & imagine-
“This person is just like me, seeking happiness in their life.
“Just like me they are trying to avoid suffering.
“This person has known sadness, loneliness and discouragement. 
“Just like me they want passion in their life.
“This person is just like me worthy of appreciation, interest, changes, and passion.*
There is a tendency when we are feeling lack, as in lack of money, love, enthusiasm, passion to hide. 
“I don’t want anyone to know I indulge in negativity. I’ll just curl up in bed with all my self defeating smelly friends.”
 To regain the passion it’s time to fight the inertia, to beat gravity, change your attitude, & sit up straight because you cannot be negative while sitting up straight. Change your posture & your attitude changes, because your attitude is your orientation to the horizon. Then begin singing, ♪I got a new attitude♫ **
You will find you are unique, awesome, & incredible just like everyone else. 

* A variation of THE COMPASSION EXERCSE from Harry Palmer-ReSurfacing
** New Attitude by The Pointer Sisters. 

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