Friday, February 5, 2016

Self Talk that’s nice

         These are phrases aimed at yourself, such as,  ‘You may,’ ‘Could you,’ ‘Notice that’, all neutral,  and judgment free. It is your attention that points to making personal changes without pain.

         For example “Gary, you may want to do some more editing before sending out this blog.” Or, “Could you find another way of saying that?”  Or, “Notice your favorite jeans are shrinking again this holiday season.”          

         Examples neutral judgment free feedback.

         Pain is such a catalyst for change, but not always necessary. When I have the clarity and freedom from moments of embarrassment, discomfort and trauma and recall one of those times I wish would have gone differently I can replay it and notice I was OK. It happened, I survived, maybe even some humor occurs as you disassociate from that pain.

         What you can do in your imagination, you can make real. You are more than your actions, more than your feelings; you can just watch and appreciate whatever happens. It’s called life. 

         Just be nice to the most important, creative and caring person in the world-You.

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