Thursday, January 21, 2016


Your level of success in anything is directly related to your level of commitment.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
           Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!'
This quote is from Faust written by Goethe and also refers too:
                   “Then indecision brings its own delays,
                   And days are lost lamenting over lost days.
                   Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
                  What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
          There is a longer quote, attributed to Goethe that often shows up in New Age seminars, goal setting and motivational classes it may have come from  W. H. Murray in The Scottish Himalaya Expedition, 1951. The text goes:
           'But when I said that nothing had been done I erred in one important matter. We had definitely committed ourselves and were halfway out of our ruts. We had put down our passage money--booked a sailing to Bombay. This may sound too simple, but is great in consequence. Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, the providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.
Need help keeping Momentum Going?
         This level of commitment begins to actualize when the head, the idea center, let’s go and let’s the Gut take over and acts.
         Just decide and let your body go to it!
         As William James, the father of modern psychology said over a hundred years ago, “Action may not bring happiness but there is no happiness without action.
         It begins with commitment.
Practice completing small tasks. For speakers it means participation. As my favorite teacher said, “With little or no doubt, I said yes.” And he meant it.


         Call me-Gary C Smith 510-914-0279, 510-722-3212
*An outline of mind mapping skills is available by request. 

Gary C. Smith
Speaking Coach

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A challenge to all Public Speakers-Seriousitis™

Gary C. Smith
Expert on Public Speaking
Let us look at the condition of life I call Seriousitis™. We all know the symptoms-hopelessness, depression, repression of joy, hope, and enthusiasm for life. Seriousitis™ creates limits, dogma, exclusion, stress, physical and mental and emotional pain. Caused by the belief that someone, other than you created the dis-ease, and creates happiness.
         As adults we have a compulsion to explain the way things are. Our explanations become reasons, excuses and blame. It is Seriousitis and it is addictive.
         Take away my joys but do not take away my pain and problems.
         “Original Sin is an enormously convenient explanation for the fact that
(ones) life doesn’t work….Just because we were born in suffering does not mean we were born to suffer.” Thanks to Stewart Emery Actualizations
         How do I know who I am without my pain?
         Who can I blame?
         The biggies in the who to blame department are parents, then God and in third place our selves.
         What we are blaming them for is NO FUN, our lack of happiness, fulfillment and successes.
         Uncertain about the epidemic of Seriousitis look at the NEWS, ask someone how they are doing? After a lying “Fine,” if the conversation continues, here comes the excuses, blame, the when I, if only’s, the back pain, boss pain, spouse pain and general garden variety Life as a sentence not a song.
         If you need more information on Seriousitis and its in-same-ity attend a righteous god fearing church, a support group or seek therapy to indulge and pay to share your pain.
          We are all product of random, insane conditioning. For as far back as any us can recall. They did the best they could with the programming they got. We are getting better all the time, or are we?
         Our successes as public speaker depend on how we feel about ourselves by ending the blame and excuses. Cure your Seriousitis™ and make your presence FUN.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ways to find your purpose

Let’s begin by exploring the areas that matters most to you.
         Find the areas you want to be spending the most time. It could be career, health, family, spirit or any other area of life. Separate the areas, starting with what you value most to what you value the least.
         Use mind mapping*or a simple list.
         Group your current activities under each heading.
         Under work I group or list, meetings, presentations, phone calls,
research, readings, record keeping, original thought, direct experience, blogs.
         Under Health I group or list aerobics, dance classes, weight lifting, walking, morning and evening health drinks, check-ups, Kangan water, supplements.
         Stay current in each area each week.
         Look into your future, your desired goals or wished for ideal activities you wish to add.  List or mind map*.
         Compare your lists.
              Are the lists the same or different? If they are different, how, what, when, where can your desired activities closer to the areas you value most in your life?
           Aha! You've begun a wonderful journey. You have placed more value upon your life and generated positive momentum. Keep at it and your purpose will appear.

         *E-mail for A quick and easy way to Mind Map.

Friday, January 1, 2016

What Matters Most

One of the values of paying attention is bringing more to your work and life. Paying attention to what matters most keeps you excited and energized. Your job or business is aligned. Work is love made visible.
         It’s time to write a book. You are the answer. A master alchemist of transformation and the populace wishes to know, how did you do it?
         They ask how can I do it!
         BUTT, what if they are not aligned?
         To begin step back and ask, "What matters most to you?"
         Does what you are doing right now matter the most to you?
         Does what matters most make any more difference than what matters least?
         There are times when what matters most is pivotal in decision-making?
         Do you find that you are not exactly sure what matters the most to you?
         Perhaps you have even accepted the pre-scripted conditions of your family or your business and, through repetition, mistaken them for your own. Assumed someone else’s dream and made them your belief, and believing that belief makes them true for you. It’s a loop that ends as a noose constricting your purpose and joy. 
            Not knowing your beliefs and what matters most could lead to feeling your life is drifting along without a sense of purpose and a nagging mood that you are meant to do something more with your life. You may drop into the D’s of despair, discouragement & depression.
         So pay attention, there is more than hope, there are ways.
         Begin focusing on what matters most to you, ask "What is MY life's purpose?"
         What is A life's purpose? Who do I know that has found their purpose?

         Your life's purpose is your inspiration. It's the motivation behind your actions. It's the force that not only leads you to realizing your dreams, but also provides a context for making your dreams come true.
         If you've never considered these questions, it can seem intimidating to consider a new path. With the courage to bring more value to your life it will also lead to and add to your happiness.