Sunday, June 19, 2016

Honor Thy Father

Happy Fathers Day

This Sunday we honor Fathers, including me, my son, son-in-law, all remarkable men, who have sired a child, and our worthy of Attention.
          Does a Father have a special attention he bestows on his offspring?
          Yes, a mysterious form of Attention.
          While a mother gestates for 9 months, cares and nourishes for much, much  longer, a Father may only be a one night stand or moment of ejaculation.
          Whether your dad was one honored as a father of the year, a sperm donor, an absentee or abuser, being a father is a defining role. It is where our male half garners the archetype of masculinity.
What can and does a father contribute?
There is the safety and security of the nest.  Often he is the breadwinner, slayer of saber tooth tigers, bringer of buffalo burgers, teller of stories of the hunt. He can be a strong ‘can do’ archetype,  and I hope at least once, the apple of mom’s eye.
But biological fathers may only be a momentary dad; it is the man who raises the child that can be truly called a father. It is the outcome, the child that is today’s man of the hour. It is the man whose outcome is the loving, caring child that determines a dad.
            What influences can a father have?
As a dad, the lessons are; support the mom, never make her wrong. Show that work is love made visible. Practice forgiveness.  Always support the child’s choices, with an occasional here is an option. Let the child win. Let them know they can choose, decide, act and be rewarded. Share gratitude for life. Share gratitude for them and be ready for the day when your child says, Dad you’re going to be a GRANDFATHER.
It’s never too late to be a good dad or too late to thank a father.

Dear Dad; Thank you for your good works done as a Father. Though you may not have seen yourself as perfect and ideal,  patient, nurturing, healing, a talker, a fisher of fish and men, you were mindful of the fairer sex,  fixer of the broken,  late night savior, early morning waker, mumbler of the unspoken, solid, calm, any and everything your offspring needs and wants. You carried a message that it’s great to be alive. Thanks, You SHOWED UP & paid the bill. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Presentation without a Demonstration is mere Conversation

           Speaking fearlessly means at time showing, not telling, your magic as a presenter.

Image result for showing not telling

         This means having the force with you, the force to know your subject so well that like magic the audience becomes a replica of the skill.  Not a robot, but a raving fan, sharing your expertise, be it product, service or value. 

Here's the How:
          Know you desired outcome-a sale, a partner, or to change the world.
          Organize using the FIVE-
         1-Grab Attention (See How to Own the Stage)

         2-The Intro-Tell them what you will be showing them. The raw product or service and the the magic outcome.
         3-The Body-Slowly with the grace of a Chef at Benihana, your well-practiced-demo. Have space in the demo for questions and unexpected magic/disasters. (Remember chem lab?)
        4-The Repetition-Another slowly rehearsed rerun of the demo, complete with call backs to the audience-" What's that called?"
       5-The Results-What you can expect from your new understanding of how our product, service or value works to get your desired outcome. 

Make it a show and expect a standing ovation. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Frame your presentation.

Ask the audience for help.
         “Can you help me,” she asked the audience.
         They responded with head nods and a very positive “Yes.”
         “Woo,”she felt a sigh-of-relief, the hard part of her presentation was over because what is harder than asking for help?
         What did she need or want; only that they listen, pay attention and allow her to deserve that attention.
         Speaking fearlessly means to have the realization that we all need help, AND we are scared or embarrassed or “too-oh-so-important” to ask for what we want.
         In the sales world, where we all live, you cannot G-E-T until you A-S-K.
         On stage, in a meeting, or just with those significant others in your life, few of us are mind-readers, but we ALL want to help each other.
         Every network group that meets, when the entrepreneurs stand to tell what they do it begins with “I want to help people….”

         So let the elephant out of the room, be honest. You and I need help. It’s why we are here to give and receive help.   