Thursday, May 19, 2016

What Motivates You-Part 1

How to know what motivates you?

               It is only from self-observation that an evaluation, an honest inventory, can take place to know what motivates.

         It is seeing, sensing and feeling the present moment.

         It is acknowledging what is.

         Judgments and interpretation are to be avoided in self-observation. 
          Labeling, naming, storytelling, excuses, blame, lies, the "spin", hope, wishes, dreaming, speculating, conjurings are not you.

         If  “stinking thinking” has been de-odorize you are moving toward what you want, your values and your noble causes.

        Take a look in the mirror, Who You Are is showing up. 

         With a good clear look, and checking in with others we find that 3 areas create motivation. 

1-Health-which can run the spectrum from pain to affirmative health. 
2-Wealth-From lack, or poverty consciousness to abundance of values.
3-Relationships-Love to fear continuums. Moving toward  or moving away from. 

Which one has the greatest impact?
Notice how one of the three can dominate.
How to blend all three into a 'top-of-mind' motivation.

For me my health, wealth and relationships are a balance of how I share myself with others.



Tuesday, May 10, 2016


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The Three Ways to Motivate
1.)     Nobel Cause-TG motivation is to handle “Seriousitis” in the world. A Noble cause can be your  reason to be (Raison d’etre). It can be called your highest thought which often aligns with all religions. It maybe spirit over beliefs. One of the most popular is to Make a difference in the world. Finding your purpose and answering your calling are noble purpose. And it may be as simple and profound as serving others.
2.)     In the material world the number one motivations is What’s in it for me-WIIFM.To get what you want. Goals. Power, security and sensations. Honest and self fulfilling, this motivation powers world economies,excites small children to scream “I need it”, “Mine” and brats.
3.)    X-factor.  Your personal motive, often the move away from PAIN. It may be what’s behind the noble cause and the WIIFM, a desire to end shyness, to speak out, to lose weight, to be a good/better parent.

         All three of these motivations put together form a very strong THIRD FORCE that manifests goals. Put in combination with S.M.A.R.T.E.R. they form guidelines, bench marks and the perseverance to complete projects for all the YOUR right reasons. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Neutrality:From the Law of Three

           Neutrality is a moment of non-desire, non-resistance; it is the AS IS that IS* of any given moment. 
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           Neutrality is about how to be in the NOW. Moments without expectations, judgments, excuses, blames. It has no preferences except to be in the present and have direct the experience of NOW. It accepts that you are here now.
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         “We can all agree we are here now,” is a good question to bring the internal and external into the present.

         “Tranquility and clarity of perception are made possible by consenting to the world of “as it is” without any intention to change it. That’s fundamentally a spiritual attitude, because it aligns me with a greater whole without separating me from it. I don’t pretend to know better or hope to achieve something better than what the inner forces already at work in the system would do by themselves. 
          "When I see something terrible, that, too, is an aspect of the world, and I consent to it. 
          "When I see something beautiful, I consent to that also. I call this attitude “humility”-consenting to the world “as it is”. Only this consent makes perception possible. Without it, wishes, fears, judgments and our constructs interfere with perception.”  See Bert  Hellinger,Love’s Hidden Symmetry

         Neutrality may be the moment before reaction, before response, decision, resistance, bliss, love, any of the higher thoughts and values. 
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        Neutrality also precludes the negative pit of self-indulgent fears, anger, doubt and sorrow (FADS). Neutrality traps our attention in fixation, identification, attachments, issues and what Christians call sins.

        Neutrality is a base of speaking fearlessly.